Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Maintenance and ReGrowth Of Your Natural Hair

Hi I am Shuntell Hatch
 Owner and Stylist
 Pretty Girl Beauty Salon

Today I am going to talk to you about the natural process of hair growth, and introduce you to my hair maintenance and regrowth product.  

The Natural Process of Hair Growth

When boosting your hair growth, you'll activate hair follicles; when stopping hair from growing, you'll put them to sleep. Both are natural processes that some of your hair undergoes automatically at any given point in time. 
When influencing your hair growth (or lack of it) you'll just take some control over how much and where you desire to experience hair growth or to stop your hair from growing.
Natural ReGrowth Product

Natural ReGrowth Product

Hair Follicle

The story of hair begins below the skin, where each hair is contained within the pouch-like tube called the follicle.

At the base of the follicle is the root, the oval-shaped center where the hair growth activity begins. Jutting into the bottom portion of the root is the papilla, which contains the vital capillaries, liking the body's blood supply to each growing strand of hair.

Just about all of the changes that occur in the body occur through regulating the chemistry and the flow of the blood. Blood is also a physical counterpart of vital energy. 

Hair growth occurs in three phases: the growth phase, the transitional phase and the dormant phase. At any given point in time some of your hair is going through a growing phase, some of your hair is going through a transitional phase and some of your hair is in a dormant phase.

During the growing phase your hair grows rapidly and this stage may last from few weeks (facial hair) to several years (hair on your scalp). During transitional phase, which lasts about two weeks, your follicle shrinks and your hair essentially stops growing. During the dormant phase, which lasts about five - six weeks, the hair may fall out or remain attached to the hair follicle until the growth of new hair pushes it out - so if at any given point time, while you comb your hair, some of your hair falls out, that's quite normal. After the dormant stage, a new hair cycle begins and new hair begins growing.

At Pretty Girl Beauty Salon, my hair regrowth product is for sale to anyone having a desire to regrow their hair, and gain control over the natural process of hair growth and maintenance.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Owner and Stylist Shuntell

Welcome to Pretty Girl Beauty Salon, 
where everyone finds their most beautiful side.  
Pretty Girl is located in the heart of Memphis Tennessee, 
we are located in The Lamar
Airways Shopping Center; 
2270 Lamar Avenue.

Shuntell is the owner, and the head stylist.  At Pretty Girl we specialize in beauty, and we have an idea about what you like about yourself and how to upgrade your appearance.  Appearance is important but the health of your hair is also important.  We are going to make a beautiful healthier hair for you.

  When a client comes in, generally she or he already have an idea of what they want; but many times a client may come in and want to go blind. Well Pretty Girl we make you beautiful.

At Pretty Girl we make a Hair Grow Product called 
"More Hair", 
this product is made with nutrients and ingredients 
known to aid in hair growth.
Quick Weaves that transform you


Cut &Curls
Underhand Braids
Wave Nouveau
Bleaching and Tinting Weaves
Lace Fronts
Make and Style Wigs
(wax, tweeze, and or razor)
Ear Piercings 
and more!!!!